MyGel™ Mini Electrophoresis System

MyGel™ Mini Electrophoresis System

Molecular Biology Agarose

  • RNase, DNase and Protease and endonuclease-free
  • Green Choice - Manufactured free from organic solvents
  • Multi-purpose, high purity - Enhanced resolution and clarity
  • Agarose LE: Low Electroendosmosis - Highly purified analytical grade for the electrophoretic separation of nucleic acids - Refined without the use of organic solvents, yielding a cleaner end-product with a significantly reduced environmental impact - Use for analyses of proteins and nucleic acids between 150 bp to 6 kbp
  • Agarose 3:1: High-resolution blended Agarose for small fragments less than 1000bp - Ideal for analytical and blotting applications
  • Agarose LM: Low melting point (< 65°C) - Remains liquid at 37°C - Ideal for resolving DNA and RNA fragments and for the recovery of nucleic acid fragments after electrophoresis - Perfect for prep gels and restriction digests
  • Agarose HR: High Resolution - PCR grade for DNA fragments between 20-800 bp - Clear resolution of 20bp to 800bp fragments can be carried out with this intermediate-melting Agarose

Grouped product items
Sku Description Unit Price Qty
48-A1700 Agarose LE, Organic Solvent, 25g Each
48-A1701 Agarose LE, Organic Solvent, 100g Each
48-A1705 Agarose LE, Organic Solvent, 500g Each
48-A2501 EZ Pack Agarose Tablets, 100g 200/Pack
48-A2505 EZ Pack Agarose Tablets, 500g 1000/Box
48-A1801-31 Agarose 3:1 (Blended), 100g 1000/Box
48-A1801-LM Agarose LM (Low Melt), 100g 1000/Box
48-A1801-HR Agarose HR (High Resolution), 100g 1000/Box