Labcon™ Thin-Wall Pureplus™ PCR® Tubes and Strips

Labcon™ Thin-Wall Pureplus™ PCR® Tubes and Strips

PROGENE® Pressure-Sensitive qPCR Sealing Film

PROGENE® Pressure-Sensitive qPCR Sealing Film

BrandTech® PCR Plates

  • Thin, uniform walls ensure consistent, precise thermal transfer and excellent results
  • Manufactured without lubricants or chemical additives that can contaminate reagents and samples.
  • Autoclavable, and are free of DNA, DNase, RNase, and other PCR inhibitors.
  • Standard and low profile plates from BRAND are compatible with most major brands of thermal cyclers, including Applied Biosystems® 9800 Fast, 7900 HT, and 7500 Fast, BIORAD® CFX 96, and Eppendorf® Mastercycler® systems.

Grouped product items
Sku Description Unit Price Qty
34-781368 96-Well PCR Plates, 0.2 mL Non-Skirted 50/Case
34-781366 96-Well PCR Plates, 0.15 mL Non-Skirted, Low-Profile 50/Case
34-781375 96-Well PCR Plates, 0.2 mL Half-Skirt for ABI 50/Case
34-781371 96-Well PCR Plates, 0.15 mL Half-Skirt, Low-Profile 50/Case
34-781373 96-Well PCR Plates, 0.15 mL Half-Skirt, Low-Profile, Raised Rim 50/Case
34-781377 96-Well PCR Plates, 0.15 mL Full-Skirt 50/Case